Important SEO Website Information from Analytic Tools

SEO Program Analytics Blog 1Website analytics information is the only guide you have to track and determine how your online marketing efforts are performing. A search marketing program will monitor metrics specific to user behavior and interactions on a site.

By analyzing key metrics such as traffic sources, bounce rates, conversion rates, and keyword performance, business owners can refine their strategies to improve visibility in search engines, optimize content for target audiences, and boost an overall ROI.

This data enables continuous improvement, allowing businesses to adapt to changing user needs and maintain a competitive edge in the digital marketplace. Some of the advantages to running website analytics.

Traffic Overview:

– Total site visits
– Unique visitors (new)
– Number of Page views

Traffic Sources:

– Type – Direct, referral, organic, social, email, or paid traffic
– Keywords used to find your site

Technological Insights:

– Devices used (desktop, mobile, tablet)
– Operating systems
– Browsers


– Age 
– Gender
– Geo Location

Content Analytics:

– Most visited pages
– Time spent on pages
– Entry and exit pages

Conversion Data:

– Total conversions
– Conversion rate
– Path to conversion

Site Speed:

– Page load times
– Slowest loading elements

User Behavior:

– Bounce rate
– Average session duration
– Pages per session


All of this data can be used to better understand your target audience, optimize your website, improve user experience, and refine marketing strategies. In a turn-key SEO program, these analytics should be provided on a monthly basis and accessible 24/7.